How to prepare for your first float



Please schedule your appointment by clicking on "Schedule Now" or by calling us at 717-730-0600.

Please book your appointment at least 24 hours in advance to allow for proper planning and preparation.


Get your mind and body ready. A little preparation goes a long way on the day of your float. Here are a few pointers to help you get the most from your float:

  •  Avoid consuming caffeine – you want to be in a peaceful, calm, and relaxed state of mind.

  •  Eat a light meal a few hours before floating – you don’t want to be overly full with food in your stomach, nor do you want to have hunger causing a distraction. A light meal a few hours ahead of time will put you in the sweet spot!

  • Avoid shaving before your appointment – freshly shaven skin can become irritated by the Epsom salt for some people. It is best to avoid shaving the day of your appointment.

  • Give yourself plenty of time before and after your appointment – you can resume your daily activities directly after your float, but we recommend you take some time to relax and enjoy the feeling for a while before diving back into the daily grind


It’s time to start floating — the best part! Here is how your appointment will go: 

  • Show up 10 minutes before your float appointment to check-in. If you signed up for the first time slot available, be mindful to wait until 10 minutes before your appointment to enter the building, as employees are getting ready for the day.

  • Take a quick pre-float shower, hit the lights, and then step into the float pod. This will likely be the first time in your life that you are completely unplugged with zero distractions.

  • After about 20 minutes of no external stimuli, your brain releases dopamine and endorphins (happy brain!) as zero gravity allows your muscles to recover more quickly.

  • After your 60 minute session, take a quick post-float shower to wash all the Epsom salt off your body. 

  • Get dressed and prepare to head back into the real world feeling rejuvenated.

  •  Enjoy your post-float afterglow for days to come! After floating, enjoy one of our refreshments and relax for a while before you go.